Light+Dark Creative Studio

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Pivoting to Manage Change in your Business

As individuals, we crave stability, comfort and the status quo. However nothing stays the same. The only certainty is uncertainty. That is why anticipating, embracing and accepting change is important for a happy and successful business.

In order to confront the rapidly-evolving world around us, you need to have a system in place to adapt with the changes.

It’s no secret the world has been changing before our eyes. After all, the world is a living thing - change and growth are only natural. So then, how to do you find the best way to handle those changes, to make sure you and your company are able to hit every curve ball that comes your way?

As a business owner, I have has witnessed the implementation of many frameworks and methodologies to launch new schemes, expand or simply stay afloat. What I have found is that those who approach their projects with a rigid system often buckle under the shifting currents of the market. The best way to handle an evolving world is with a system and mind-set built around that, embracing evolution, and remaining agile.

As a small privately owned creative studio, established in Melbourne by two friends 3 years ago, we’re able to strengthen our communication and ability to work alongside one another and with our clients. Although running a small business is a challenge in itself, the partnership meant safety, having someone to bounce off and to have someone beside you through the waves of emotion that come with it.

One of the challenges that faced Light+Dark was the health of business partner Eddy Sara. Although fully involved in the business, Eddy suffers from chronic nerve pain, often facing days of no sleep and intense pain.

With L+D looking at whether to continue to grow the business or remain ‘as is’ we discussed the options that were available for us and as a result Eddy decided to take a step back from the business of design to focus more on his health and wellbeing.

Eddy intends to turn back to being a full time artist and may once again hold some gallery exhibitions - adapting his future to a more sustainable process.

As a creative duo with a strong friendship this won’t be the last time that we work together, this just means that we are on a different path. We are both pivoting into a new direction and have a new and exciting outlook on where this movement will take us next!

Virtually every industry has been experiencing rapid, massive and sometimes devastating changes over the past couple years. Being flexible means you can pivot when needed. It means you can adapt to changes in the market or in technology well. Light+Dark is determined to take on these new challenges enthusiastically and with a desire to learn and improve to perform well.

When you recognise the possibility created by change, you’re more prepared to exploit it.

You will find change as not something to fear, but as something to welcome and turn to your own advantage.